The Samsung Odyssey is different than the other headsets we talk about here on VR Porn Manual. While all other headsets like the Oculus Quest and the Vive or 100% virtual reality sets, the Samsung Odyssey is a mixed reality headset.
Of course you came here with the question “how to watch VR porn” or What VR headset to use for VR porn” so I will tell you right away that the Samsung Odyssey works perfectly fine for that!
I wasn't even sure if we should include it in the list of VR headsets as it isn't a really popular piece of hardware and it was quite expensive. But Samsung recently slashed the prices in half for both the normal Odyssey and the Odyssey+.
I will talk about the difference between the normal and Plus version in a bit.
So yeah, Samsung very recently cut the prices in half. I guess this is because they weren't exactly selling tons and now they need to get rid of their inventory.
And that's good news for you. Because you can now watch high quality VR porn from sites like BadoinkVR and VRbangers on a very decent headset for roughly 230 dollars.
Till recent you'd have to shell out no less than 500 bucks for the Odyssey. And that just wasn't worth it. Especially with better and cheaper options like the Oculus Quest / Meta Quest.
But at $230 it's certainly worth reconsidering getting one!
Regarding the difference between the normal version and the Plus version: There really isn't much difference.
The one big reason though you might want to go for the Plus is that it got rid of the SDE.
SDE stands for screen door effect. The best way to explain what a screen door effect is is that it's like watching something through a mesh. It basically makes you see the spaces between Pixels. And depending on what you're watching, how bright it is and what resolution, this SDE might be distracting.
And I don't know about you but I don't like to be distracted when watching a VR porn scene with Mandy Muse and her big ass 😉
Some people experience it worse than others.
But it's something to keep in mind if you're interested in the Samsung Odyssey. If you can find the discounted Plus version just as easily then go for that one!
The other change it that you can control the hand controllers through Bluetooth.
Not bad for a $230 VR headset!
In case you didn't figure it out yet, the Samsung Odyssey is connected to your computer through a 4 meter cable (13 feet).
Though slightly annoying, this does however gives you more options and power than VR headsets for your phone. Like the Samsung Gear VR or a Google Cardboard.
This also means that you can download and store your VR porn stash on your computer instead of the limited space that your phone or the Samsung Gear VR has.
As the Samsung odyssey works with the Vive store you will get access to that app store and everything it has to offer. It has tons of awesome games and apps.
The first 2 months are free when you buy the odyssey.
It's also interesting to note that it works with SteamVR. The virtual reality part of Steam.
Between that and downloading VR porn it will keep you busy for quite a while haha.
So as I mentioned, it is a mixed reality headset. This means it does both VR and AR.
AR stands for augmented reality. And this is where the 4 built-in cameras come in play.
Although not yet very popular for now, augmented reality seems to have a bright future.
In layman terms: AR combines the real world with the computer generated world.
So the cameras on the Samsung odyssey will see an object in the real world, on your desk for example, and the software you run can recognize it and do something with it in the virtual world.
It's a bit difficult to explain so let me give an example with this Youtube video.
That looks cool, right?
But to be honest, while it is cool, there isn't much use for it right now. You probably will play around with it a little bit but don't expect too much from it.
Unless you have a specific use for AR, i wouldn't let your choice of getting a Samsung Odyssey or not depend on it.
So to sum it up. The Samsung Odyssey is a good VR headset. Unless you have very high standards, it will do pretty much everything you need. Especially something quite easy as watching a good VR porn movie.
Not too long ago I wouldn't recommend it because of the price, which was too high.
Now that Samsung slashed prices and you can pick one up for just 230 dollars, it really isn't a bad choice.
Maybe it's also interesting to check the 2nd hand sites as those sellers have to lower their prices even more. Sucks to be them but good for you.
My guess is you can buy a 2nd hand set for 150 bucks.
That's an extra 80 dollars you can spend on VR porn haha.
I know right now you're probably thinking why I should spend money on porn. Isn't it all for free? Well, welcome to the VR world. Things are a little different here.
Read more on why there really isn't such a thing as free vr porn movies.
If you think the Samsung Odyssey isn't high end enough for you then why not check our info pages about the HTC Vive and the amazing new Pimax 8k?
The Samsung odyssey uses SteamVR. A popular gaming software which you can install on your computer.
You can find it it here.
There are a lot of Steam apps you can use to watch and stream VR movies with your Odyssey!
When you installed Steam then just connect your VR set to the computer and launch the Steam App. A button called “SteamVR” will appear. Click it and SteamVR will run.
If you want to start watching right away then just use the SteamVR videoplayer!
You can see it in the pull-down menu in the SteamVR app options.
Just select the VR movie you want to watch online or on your computer and have fun!
If you need an app with more options then you can use Skybox VR for example.
With SkyboxVR you basically view your computer desktop on your Samsung Odyssey headset and use it like you normally would. Skybox VR supports 3D and 360 virtual reality movies.
Go to the site where you want to watch your VR porn movie and stream the file using Skybox VR. Or you download it to your computer and then view it from your desktop computer.